I’m linking up with Bloghoppin this week for a little back to school fun.
Today you get to hear all about ME!
Let’s start with the way, way, back.
I was born in Alberta, Canada. That’s right, I’m from a little town in the

I am married to this AMAZING guy. We just celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary. He is so much fun and we have a really great life together. We live in Idaho together but here we are in this picture at Huntington Beach, CA near his childhood home. 

My husband is an avid hunter. We hunt and fish for most of our recreational activities. Last year, I was lucky enough to kill an elk. This animal fed us for the entire winter. We ate elk for nearly every meal and it was delicious. I’m sorry if you are anti hunting, but for me it is the the most amazing experience to be out in the natural environment and provide food for my family. It is really fulfilling.
We don’t have any children, but we do have these three fur babies.
Fancy is an English Pointer. She is 4 years old, and the sweetest lil thing!
Rocky is a German Short Hair. He is 13 years old. He has been with us since the beginning, he is stubborn and was once wild and energetic. Old age has definitely caught up with him and now he is mostly a really good sleeper. Lol
Here is Roxy, she showed up at our house one day, and just blended right in. She is sweet and wild and fun loves to be outdoors.
As you can probably see I LOVE the outdoors. I have become addicted to CrossFit, which keeps me in shape to play outside. As soon as the snow falls, you can find me on the mountains snowboarding. I love it so much, my friend Jodie recently started a ski club at our school.
You can check out our Go Fund Me campaign here or over on my sidebar if you’d like.
Well that’s it! I hope you enjoyed stopping by and getting to know me! I know I have enjoyed hoppin over to some of my blog friend to hear about them.