We all have dreams. Why did I become a TPT seller and blogger in the first place? I teach Deaf and Hard of Hearing students. Some of the students I encounter are typically developing and have no difficulty learning. Most of the time this is not the case. The majority of the students I teach have special needs, language delays, learning disabilities, autism, low executive functions the list goes on… I work in a school where EVERY student is on an IEP. For this reason, I am CONSTANTLY creating resources to meet their individual needs. I KNOW that many, many other special education teachers are doing the same thing.
When I discovered TPT about 4 years ago, I was THRILLED with the products I found that I could use in my classroom. However, very few products were able to meet the specific needs of my signing deaf students. Thus, my TPT store was born! Mrs. Burgen’s Sign Me Up
Save Money for Retirement
I’m not sure what happens to someone in their 40’s but the realization that “Life is Short” comes popping up to the surface! There are SO many things I want to pack into this short lil life! Travel, have the house I’ve always wanted in THAT location, go places, do things…. etc. etc. Most importantly, I want to have the health and time and money to do these things. I would like to retire, sooner in my life rather than later. My dream retirement location definitely includes sun, a beach and a maid. (think all inclusive resort) LOL. I am happy that TPT is helping me everyday to get a little closer to living my dreams.
Our Health
At the age of 22, my husband was in a catastrophic motorcycle accident. He spent months in the hospital and years learning how to walk again. His left leg had most of the damage and while the doctors and therapists did a great job making it functional again, the years have taken their toll. The time for a knee replacement is here. This means taking 6-8 weeks off work, not to mention paying for the surgery and the therapy… YIKES!
Troy need this to happen soon and so it definitely takes financial priority. I don’t”need” lasik surgery, but it sure would be nice!
We all need a little “extra” in our lives. Extra money for whatever it is we need or want it for. Money can’t buy happiness, but a little peace of mind never hurt anyone 🙂
Dare to Dream.
What’s your Dream?
Check out all the Dare to Dream posts at
One Response
Very cool story about how your store began. I hope you're able to get your husband his knee replacement. Having pain is not fun. Love reading everyone's goals. ilive2learnilove2growÂ
I am a hearing teacher of the deaf dedicated to working with both deaf and hearing colleagues in providing the best education for deaf and hard of hearing children.
One Response
Very cool story about how your store began. I hope you're able to get your husband his knee replacement. Having pain is not fun. Love reading everyone's goals.