I am linking up with Five for Friday
PHEW! The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of trainings, classroom prep, planning, printing, laminating, meeting new students, teaching new students…. an insane wildfire threatening nearby homes, and finally…. a day to rest.
I spent my summer both relaxing and making products for my classroom. I will post about the products I have made later. Of course I also spent plenty of time on Teachers Pay Teachers purchasing products and /or downloading freebies . It seemed like a good idea at the time….lol. After several HOURS of cutting out laminating, I started to question my sanity.
some of my favorite downloads came from Ashley Hughes at the School Supply Addict. You can check out her stuff by clicking the link. 🙂
Setting up my classroom is always both exciting and a hurried rush of craziness. It started out like this.
Not too bad really…. The custodians allowed me to leave some of my bulletin boards up over the summer, which was extremely helpful! In the rush of getting everything ready and working until 10pm the night before school started, I forgot to take AFTER pictures. I will take some Monday and get up the finished product for you to see.
In the midst of all this excitement, I had a house guest (my friend and teaching mate) who was displaced from her home due to a crazy wildfire! The fire was listed as the #1 priority in the nation and threatened several homes in the nearby mountain community. It has, so far, burned over 100,000 acres and is now more than 50% contained. Most people were able to safely return to their homes.
And finally, the first day of school came and went! The first week of school flew by! It was absolutely fantastic! I am excited for this year. My students are amazing! I have 5 students this year. Four of them are first graders after completing kindergarten with me last year. I also gained one new kindergartener. So will have a K/1 class this year. YEAH!
Best of Luck to all of you who have already started school and to those of you who will be starting soon!
5 Responses
I am still cutting all my laminated stuff from the sale. That picture of the fire is crazy! Glad you are okay.
Hunter's Teaching Tales
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I am lovin the picture frame! I am your newest follower and can't wait to read more post. If you get a chance I would for you stop by and check out my blog too! I hope your friends home is ok. I heard about that wildfire on the news! Looks really scary. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Jamie, all my friends were able to return to their homes safely!
Just found your blog. I'll keep checking in on you and the wonderful Kinders.
I'd love to see your "after" pictures of your classroom. =)
5 kids, that's a great number! I have 9 total, but 4 are mainstreamed all day. So I have 5 with me pretty much all day.
A View Into My Classroom